Brune Au Collier Bleu (1922)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Brune Au Collier Bleu," painted in 1922 by the renowned artist Jules Pascin, captures a moment of tranquil beauty and introspection. This painting portrays a woman in a relaxed, lying pose with her arms raised and hands resting behind her head. With her eyes closed or gently lowered, she embodies a serene and contemplative state. Pascin's strokes here are soft yet expressive, combining warm and earthy tones with the striking contrast of a vivid blue necklace that adorns her neck.Pascin, known for his delicate and emotive work, masterfully uses color and form to convey mood and personality. The juxtaposition of the rich, lively blue against the nuanced shades of her skin highlights the subject’s physical form and adds a depth to the composition that draws viewers into her internal world. This piece not only reflects Pascin’s unique style but also serves as a testament to his ability to capture the essence of human experience through the simplicity of everyday moments."Brune Au Collier Bleu" invites viewers to pause and reflect, offering a glimpse into the quiet moments that are often overshadowed by the bustle of life.


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Nudes, street scenes and landscapes of women and tropical locations by Bulgarian-born American painter Jules Pascin (1885-1930). Born to an affluent family, Pascin was educated in Austria and Germany before moving to Paris in 1905. It was there that he became associated with the Modernist movement. He attached himself to the human condition and was known for painting portraits of nude and half-dressed women. He stands in the grand tradition of the romantic, bohemian artist.