La Seine. Le Trocadéro et le pont de Grenelle, vus du quai de Javel (circa 1880-1885)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Our latest exhibit showcases the serene waterscape of Paris, captured exquisitely by the deft hands of Stanislas Lépine in his painting 'La Seine. Le Trocadéro et le pont de Grenelle, vus du quai de Javel.' Painted circa 1880-1885, Lépine's work is a testament to the quiet beauty of Parisian daily life alongside the iconic Seine River.This painting brings to view the softened blues and gentle greys of a cloudy Parisian sky reflected in the calm waters of the river. Lépine masterfully balances the canvas with the earthy tones of the city’s distant architecture. The iconic silhouettes of Le Trocadéro and the statues atop it gently emerge in the background, reminding viewers of the city’s historic grandeur.Foreground activity provides a glimpse into the daily life along the riverbanks at Quai de Javel. Figures, depicted in loose brushstrokes, appear engaged in various riverside tasks, perhaps fishing or unloading small boats, suggesting the Seine’s role as both a workplace and a place of leisure.Stanislas Lépine was known for his landscapes that richly utilize light and atmosphere to define form, and this painting is a fine example, capturing a reflective and almost meditative quality that invites the observer to pause and admire.


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Stanislas Victor Edouard Lépine was a French painter who specialized in landscapes, especially views of the Seine.

Lépine was born in Caen. An important influence in his artistic formation was Corot, whom he met in Normandy in 1859, becoming his student the following year.

Lépine's favorite subject was the Seine, which he was to paint in all its aspects for the rest of his life.