Schafherde mit Hirtin und Esel auf dem Feld (1925)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Schafherde mit Hirtin und Esel auf dem Feld" (1925) by Heinrich Von Zügel reveals a pastoral scene filled with gentle serenity and vivid brushwork. This artwork captures a flock of sheep accompanied by their shepherdess and a loyal donkey amidst an expansive field.The focal point of the composition is the group of sheep clustered together, their wool rendered in textured strokes and earthy tones that harmoniously blend with the landscape. To the right, the shepherdess, cloaked in a dark garment that subtly stands out against the softer backdrop, guides the flock. A donkey, partly obscured yet integral, adds a sense of steadfast companionship to the scene.Von Zügel’s mastery in using light and color creates a dynamic atmosphere, where the warmth of the fading sunlight suggests the time of day is either early morning or late afternoon. The landscape stretches boundlessly, emphasized by a soft, muted skyline, which allows the viewer's eye to roam freely, indulging in the tranquility of rural life.


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Heinrich Johann von Zügel (22 October 1850, Murrhardt – 30 January 1941, Munich) was a German painter who specialized in pictures of farm and domestic animals, often posed with a human in a dramatic or humorous situation.