Le Passeur

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the tranquil world of Albert Lebourg's "Le Passeur," a masterpiece that captures the essence of serene river life in exquisite detail. This evocative painting invites viewers into a peaceful morning scene along a calm river where the soft hues of dawn gently merge with delicate reflections on the water's surface.Lebourg, renowned for his skill in portraying light and atmosphere, masterfully depicts a lone figure, the ferryman ("Le Passeur"), rowing a small boat across the river. The ferryman’s presence is subtly profound, quietly blending with the surrounding natural elements rather than dominating the landscape. This composition reflects Lebourg's dedication to realism, combined with his impressionistic touch, evident in the soft brush strokes and the mellow color palette.The background is adorned with trees in autumn attire, their dense, misty outlines reflecting in the still water, creating a harmonious interplay of color and light. The distant sky, painted in pale oranges and blues, suggests the early hours of the day, contributing to the overall feeling of calm and solitude."Le Passeur" is more than just a visual representation; it is a poetic gesture towards the beauty of simple everyday moments and the timeless dance of nature’s elements. This painting, characteristic of Lebourg’s enchanting style, invites contemplation and admiration, offering a fleeting glimpse into a quiet corner of the world untouched by the rush of modern life.


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Albert Lebourg (1 February 1849, in Montfort-sur-Risle – 6 January 1928, in Rouen), birth name Albert-Marie Lebourg, also called Albert-Charles Lebourg and Charles Albert Lebourg was a French Impressionist and Post-Impressionist landscape painter of the Rouen School.