Road by the Edge of a Lake

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Titled "Road by the Edge of a Lake," this tranquil painting by Jan Both captures the serene beauty of a pastoral landscape bathed in the gentle light of early morning or late afternoon. The scene is set on a dirt road meandering alongside a lake, nestled under a spacious sky softly brushed with wispy clouds.In the foreground, a figure on horseback dressed in a rust-colored jacket and black hat pauses to chat with another man who leads a donkey. The clear attention to detail in their relaxed postures and attire adds a lively yet peaceful human element to the lush surroundings. Behind them, the path continues with more travelers in the distance, suggesting a well-used route through this idyllic setting.Flanked by robust trees and thick foliage, the landscape sprawls out, opening up to reveal the lake which mirrors the sky's light colors, enhancing the atmosphere of calm stillness. Jan Both, renowned for his skill in portraying light, uses soft hues and delicate light to imbue the scene with a sense of warmth and timelessness.


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Jan Dirksz Both was a Dutch painter, draughtsman, and etcher, who made an important contribution to the development of Dutch Italianate landscape painting.

Both was born in Utrecht, and was the brother of Andries Both. According to Houbraken, the brothers first learned to paint from their father, who was a glass-painter or glazier there.