Study of a Seated Woman (1730)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are pleased to present "Study of a Seated Woman," a captivating red chalk drawing created by the French artist Jean-Baptiste Pater in 1730. This work of art showcases Pater's profound skill in capturing the delicate nuances of human expressions and postures.In this drawing, the viewer encounters a woman seated elegantly with her body slightly turned towards the viewer. Her attire, rich in folds and creases, flows gracefully across and around her figure, lending a soft dynamism to the composition. The woman's gaze is direct and engaging, creating a palpable connection with the viewer. Her head wrap and the detailed treatment of her dress are reflective of the fashion of the period, offering insights into the cultural context of early 18th-century France.Pater's use of red chalk allows for a vivid exploration of light and shadow, highlighting the textures of the fabric and the gentle contours of the woman's face and hands. The strokes are confident and expressive, suggesting both the artist's familiarity with his subject and his mastery of the medium."Study of a Seated Woman" not only exemplifies Pater's artistic prowess but also serves as an intimate portrayal of a moment frozen in time, inviting viewers to ponder the story and the setting that might have inspired such a depiction.


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Jean-Baptiste Pater was a French rococo painter.

Born in Valenciennes, Pater was the son of sculptor Antoine Pater and studied under him before becoming a student of painter Jean-Baptiste Guide. Pater then moved to Paris, briefly becoming a pupil of Antoine Watteau in 1713. Watteau, despite treating Pater badly, had a significant influence on him. However the two quarreled and Pater returned to Valenciennes, where he remained for two years. In 1721, Pater and the dying Watteau reconciled; subsequently Pater became a student of Watteau once again, although only for a month before the latter's death. Pater later claimed to have learnt everything he knew during those few weeks with Watteau. He was accepted into the Académie in 1728, presenting a large military work in the popular Watteau style: La Rejouissance des Soldats (Louvre).