Löwe, zum Flusse ziehend (1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Löwe, zum Flusse ziehend" (1917), by the distinguished German artist Wilhelm Kuhnert, captures a compelling moment of raw, natural elegance as a lion moves towards a river. The painting exhibits Kuhnert’s masterful skill in depicting wildlife, set against an evocatively rendered landscape that seems both mysterious and inviting.In this evocative scene, the majesty of the lion is portrayed with exquisite attention to detail and realism. Set in a dense thicket at the edge of a river, the lion’s taut muscles and focused expression are rendered in earthy tones that harmonize with the surrounding environment. Kuhnert’s use of light and shadow, combined with his brushstrokes, create a sense of depth and texture, illustrating not just the lion’s physical traits but also its innate character as a creature of the wild.The background, suffused with shades of green and brown, contrasts with the lighter sand of the riverbank, highlighting the lion’s solitary journey. The interplay of light filtering through the foliage adds a layer of intricacy to this tranquil yet compelling wildlife narrative.This artwork invites viewers to reflect on the beauty and the solemnity of the natural world, capturing a moment in time with both artistic and emotional depth.


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Friedrich Wilhelm Kuhnert was a German painter, author and illustrator who specialized in depictions of animals. After illustrating Alfred Brehm's books, he traveled to German East Africa to observe animals in their natural habitat and created a series of paintings that defined Africa for many Germans of the period.