Zwei Frauen (1920)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Zwei Frauen" (1920) by Anton Faistauer is a captivating portrait that reflects an intriguing exploration of form and color. This artwork illustrates two women positioned close together; their expressions pensive and serene, conveying a quiet intimacy. The artist employs a loose, sketch-like technique, overlaying vibrant pastels to enrich the composition with depth and emotion. The choice of colors—soft blues, muted yellows, and gentle purples—alongside the abstracted form, gives a modern and almost ethereal quality to the image.The minimalistic approach allows Faistauer to focus more on the emotional resonance rather than detailed realism, inviting viewers to ponder the relationship and shared moment between the two figures. This piece is a beautiful example of early 20th-century European modernist art and showcases Faistauer's distinctive blend of expressionism and abstraction.


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Anton Faistauer (14 February 1887, Sankt Martin bei Lofer – 13 February 1930, Vienna) was an Austrian Expressionist painter.