Sur talons rouges pl 02 (1929)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork titled "Sur talons rouges pl 02" by Gerda Wegener is a captivating illustration that showcases Wegener's distinctive style and her ability to blend whimsy with elegance. Created in 1929, this painting features a young woman in an elaborate and flowing white dress, accentuated with delicate pink floral decorations that echo the femininity and vibrancy of her character.The woman is depicted in mid-motion on a balcony, gracefully stretching a hand toward a bird perched on a nearby tree branch, symbolizing perhaps a moment of connection with nature or a longing for freedom. Her pose and the swirl of her dress convey a sense of movement and excitement, while her high red heels add a pop of bold color that underscores the artwork's playful yet sophisticated tone.The background of the scene is elegantly simple, with art nouveau elements in the balcony railing that add a touch of ornate detail without overshadowing the main subject. The overall composition of the painting, with its soft pastel colors and dynamic lines, invites viewers to step into a moment of timeless elegance and joyous interaction.


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Gerda Marie Fredrikke Wegener (15 March 1886 – 28 July 1940) was a Danish illustrator and painter. Wegener is known for her fashion illustrations and later her paintings that pushed the boundaries of her time concerning gender and love. These works were classified as lesbian erotica at times and many were inspired by her partner, the transgender woman Lili Elbe. Wegener employed these works in the styles of Art Nouveau and later Art Deco.