Felsentempel von Mamallapuram (Mahamaleipur), Indien (1858)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a journey through time and history captured in the magnificent watercolor painting titled "Felsentempel von Mamallapuram (Mahamaleipur), Indien" created by the talented Austrian artist Joseph Selleny in 1858.This exquisite piece of art presents an atmospheric portrayal of the ancient rock temples located in Mamallapuram, India, known for their intricate and monumental stone carvings dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries. Selleny's skilled brushwork eloquently captures the rugged textures of the rocky landscape and the serene grandiosity of the temples carved directly into the granite boulders.The foreground of the painting is dominated by a meticulous depiction of the famous "Pancha Rathas" or Five Chariots, each carved from a single large stone and resembling temple chariots, which are a testament to the architectural genius of the Pallava Dynasty. Behind the rathas, the natural curvature of the rocks merges seamlessly with man-made architectural elements, demonstrating a harmonious blend of nature and human craftsmanship that is characteristic of this UNESCO World Heritage site.The muted color palette comprising of earthy tones and subtle shades transports viewers to this tranquil yet powerful scene, evoking a sense of timeless splendor. Selleny’s attention to detail not only highlights the structural features of the temples but also captures the essence of their spiritual and historical significance.


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