Hühnerhändler in Point de Galle auf Ceylon (Sri Lanka) (1858)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We invite you to explore an exquisite example of 19th-century art, "Hühnerhändler in Point de Galle auf Ceylon (Sri Lanka)" by the talented Joseph Selleny, a work that dates back to 1858. Joseph Selleny, known for his detailed and vibrant travel sketches, brings to life a bustling marketplace scene set in the historic town of Galle in Sri Lanka.This compelling watercolor painting captures an everyday moment with remarkable sensitivity and attention to local culture. The scene is set outside a rustic building, under a sheltering roof. To the right, a series of chickens dangle in a display that speaks to the locale's market life, emphasizing the painting’s title which translates to "Chicken Vendor in Point de Galle, Ceylon (Sri Lanka)."Central to the image is a figure clothed in red, seated and perhaps preparing goods for sale, surrounded by pots and baskets indicative of market trade. Adjacent, an elderly vendor sits casually, his presence marked by an observant and calm demeanor, showcasing the relaxed pace of life. A younger individual, engaging in an exchange, adds a dynamic element to the composition.The artist employs swift, expressive brush strokes and a natural palette that reflects the warm, tropical climate and the straightforwardness of the outdoor market environment. The delicate play of light and shadow, along with the informal arrangement of characters and goods, pulls the viewer into a day long past but vividly remembered.Joseph Selleny's work not only offers a visual delight but also serves as a cultural document, providing insight into the daily lives and social customs of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) during the mid-19th century.


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