Le Sacré-Cœur en construction, vu de l’abreuvoir de Montmartre, vers 1895 (1895)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are pleased to highlight one of Edouard Zawiski's evocative paintings titled *Le Sacré-Cœur en construction, vu de l’abreuvoir de Montmartre, vers 1895*, which translates to "The Sacré-Cœur under construction, viewed from the Montmartre Watering Place, around 1895." This painting captures a historic period and provides viewers a glimpse into the past with the Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur emerging in the background.Zawiski's work is renowned for its detailed, soft hues and a keen grasp of natural lighting, which vividly comes to life in this composition. The artist portrays a serene Montmartre street curving gently towards the imposing structure of Sacré-Cœur, which stands under construction, its bare architectural bones suggesting the grandeur yet to come. The painting is set against a backdrop of a pale, almost ethereal sky, perhaps hinting at the promise of the new basilica.The foreground features a cobblestone street, bare but for a few figures who go about their daily routines, indifferent or perhaps accustomed to the monumental growth in their midst. The muted tones of the buildings and vegetations contrast subtly with the construction site, symbolizing a blend of daily life and historical development.Zawiski’s masterful use of perspective and atmosphere invites onlookers to ponder over the subtle juxtaposition of everyday life against monumental developments. As the Sacré-Cœur stands, even in its incomplete state, it serves as a reminder of Paris’s continuous growth and the timeless beauty found in its transformative skyline.


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Edouard Zawiski (19/20th century) was active/lived in France. Edouard Zawiski is known for Painting.