Breaking Waves

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Experience the dynamic and invigorating beauty of "Breaking Waves," a captivating painting by Leontine von Littrow. This artwork transports viewers to a wild seascape, where the force of nature is vividly captured through thick, expressive brush strokes. The scene is dominated by a series of craggy rocks, jutting out into a sea of brilliant blues and whites. Each wave seemingly bursts from the canvas, reflecting von Littrow’s masterful ability to depict movement and mood.Spectacular details—such as the soft hues of the distant coastline and the spontaneous dance of seagulls above the frothy waters—add layers of depth and interest. With each viewing, one can almost hear the roar of the ocean and feel the spray of saltwater. "Breaking Waves" not only showcases von Littrow’s skill in handling color and form but also her profound connection to the natural landscape, echoing an eternal allure that beckons observers to gaze deeper.


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Lea von Littrow was an Austrian painter known for her landscapes and marine paintings.

Littrow was born on 17 March 1860 in Trieste. She used the name "Leontine" or "Leo" von Littrow. She studied painting in Paris with the painter Jean d'Alheim. Her parents were Fanny (born Barry) and Heinrich von Littrow who was a captain in the navy and a noted cartographer. The first "von Littrow" was her astronomer grandfather Joseph Johann von Littrow.