Self-portrait (1901)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Frederick Carl Frieseke's 1901 self-portrait beautifully captures the artist at a moment of self-reflection and depth in his burgeoning career. The painting, primarily executed with delicate yet expressive strokes, presents him wearing a distinguished striped suit and a crisp bow tie, topped off by a stylish straw hat that lends a casual flair to his otherwise thoughtful demeanor. The artist's gaze confronts the viewer directly, revealing both his confidence and his introspective nature.The composition's soft color palette, with warm browns, subtle reds, and hints of blue, contributes to an intimate and nuanced portrayal, while the slightly unfinished appearance of the sketch around the edges evokes a sense of immediacy and unfiltered presence. This artistic choice might suggest Frieseke's evolving concept of his identity both personally and artistically.


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Frederick Carl Frieseke (April 7, 1874 – August 24, 1939) was an American Impressionist painter who spent most of his life as an expatriate in France. An influential member of the Giverny art colony, his paintings often concentrated on various effects of dappled sunlight.