Wild Ducks in Horse-Tail (1901)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Our latest exhibit features the remarkable painting "Wild Ducks in Horse-Tail" (1901) by the renowned Swedish artist Bruno Liljefors. Known for his prowess in wildlife and landscape art, Liljefors masterfully captures nature's serene and untouched beauty.In this exquisite oil painting, the viewer is drawn into a tranquil scene of wild ducks gliding through calm waters, surrounded by the dense, vertical strokes of green horse-tail reeds. The painting’s appeal lies in its remarkable depth and the subtle play of light and shadow, which Liljefors skillfully employs to evoke the quiet atmosphere of a secluded marshland.The ducks are portrayed with such delicate detail and realism that they seem almost alive, floating silently under the cover of the reeds. This artwork is not just a visual experience but an invitation to appreciate the quiet moments and the often-overlooked beauty of wildlife."Wild Ducks in Horse-Tail" is a testament to Liljefors' dedication to studying and portraying animals in their natural habitats, making his works a pivotal part of any nature lover's art collection.


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Nordic animals and wildlife artworks by Swedish artist Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939). These beautiful nature motifs of animals in dramatic scenes, predator and prey, are captured in genuine and realistic paintings, with incredible detail. Bruno is regarded as one of the most important wildlife artists of the 19th century.