Öland (1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

Helge Johansson’s painting, "Öland," crafted in 1912, presents a vivacious and color-drenched depiction of the serene Swedish landscape on the island of Öland. The artwork captures the sprawling beauty of the region through Johansson’s distinctive use of vivid hues and thoughtful compositions.This painting stands out through its dynamic juxtaposition of colors. Johansson utilizes a palette dominated by shades of vibrant yellows and greens, reflecting the lush, wild grasses and verdant bushes that characterize Öland’s terrain. These primary colors are complemented by the blues and purples of the distant sky and the subtle browns of the rocks scattered across the field."Öland" provides a deep visual exploration of nature’s textures, from the smooth, overarching sky to the rough, irregular stone walls and soft, feathered treetops. This textural diversity not only adds depth to the scene but also invites the viewer to feel the wind and hear the leaves rustle.The artist’s skill in capturing the essence of Öland’s landscape encourages contemplation about the interplay between light and color, making it a serene yet lively depiction of one of Sweden’s most beloved panoramas.


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Helge Johansson was a Swedish Impressionist & Modern artist who was born in 1886.