Piano et chant (1923)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Fernand Siméon's 1923 piece "Piano et chant" is a captivating journey into the serene ambience of a vintage music room. This meticulously detailed painting commands attention with its unique monochromatic palette, which gracefully blends varying shades of blue and gray, punctuated by bold black lines that lend depth and structure to the scene.The painting shows three individuals engaged in a musical evening—an elegant representation of the era's cultural pastimes. To the left, a young woman sits gracefully at the piano, her fingers poised to play, capturing the imminent onset of music. On the right, another woman stands holding a sheet of music, "2 Waltzes Brahms," awaiting her cue to begin singing. Her stance and attire exude a quiet elegance, while her turned posture adds an air of anticipation.The setting is also richly decorated, illustrating the lavish aesthetic of the time. Floral patterns embellish the curtains that frame a window to the night, where a smaller scene shows a figure in another room engaged in solitary reflection, adding a layer of narrative depth. The interior decor, from the ornate carpet to the intricately detailed chair, complements the overall opulence.Mirroring the calm and concentration of pre-performance moments, Siméon captures not just the physical, but the ephemeral—the swirling musical notes visually escaping the piano suggest the movement of sound, unseen yet deeply felt.


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Fernand Siméon (1884-1928) - French painter.