Moonlit Landscape With A Windmill (early to mid 1650s)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Artist: Aert van der Neer Date: Early to mid-1650sWe are pleased to present "Moonlit Landscape With A Windmill," an evocative painting by the celebrated Dutch artist Aert van der Neer. This atmospheric night scene captures the tranquil essence of a 17th century Dutch landscape under the glow of a moonlit sky.The painting features a dramatic and expansive nocturnal scene where the dark, cloudy sky dominates much of the canvas, casting a mysterious and somber mood. A luminous moon, partially obscured by wispy clouds, sheds its soft light across the scene, highlighting the central windmill that stands imposingly on the horizon. This traditional Dutch windmill, with its sails almost silhouetted against the illuminated sky, is a powerful symbol of the Netherlands’ relationship with nature and technology.Beneath the moonlight, the landscape unfolds with gentle illumination. A river meanders through the terrain, reflecting the moon's glow and the faint light from distant buildings. Small boats are moored along the riverbank, and sparse vegetation dots the foreground.The inclusion of human figures, subtly integrated into the lower part of the composition, adds a touch of life and activity. A figure in the foreground, perhaps a worker or a passerby, is depicted handling some tools, connecting the viewer with everyday life during this period.Van der Neer's mastery in capturing the effects of light and his delicate treatment of the sky and water surfaces make this painting a profound study of nighttime in rural Holland. "Moonlit Landscape With A Windmill" is a mesmerizing piece that not only illustrates the technical skills of the artist but also evokes the deep, serene beauty of the Dutch landscapes by night.


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Aert van der Neer, or Aernout or Artus (c. 1603 – 9 November 1677), was a landscape painter of the Dutch Golden Age, specializing in small night scenes lit only by moonlight and fires, and snowy winter landscapes, both often looking down a canal or river. He was a contemporary of Aelbert Cuyp and Meindert Hobbema, and like the latter he lived and died in comparative obscurity.