Portrait of the Ballerina Vera Trefilova (1924)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Portrait of the Ballerina Vera Trefilova" by Konstantin Alexeevich Korovin, painted in 1924, captures a moment of serene repose away from the limelight. This compelling artwork features Vera Trefilova, a distinguished figure in Russian ballet, portrayed not on stage, but in an intimate, sunlit setting that suggests a personal glimpse into her world.Korovin’s use of vibrant, expressive colors and bold brushstrokes adds a dynamic quality to the composition. The painting is dominated by warm hues of pink and red, reflecting perhaps the passion and intensity synonymous with Trefilova’s dance career. She is seated, wearing a lavish pink tutu that spills elegantly onto her lap and onto the chair, contrasting strikingly with the subdued tones of her surroundings.The background is a blurrily rendered interior, possibly a dressing room, hinted by the presence of dressing tables laden with various items. The inclusion of a large window fills the room with natural light and offers a view of lush greenery outside, suggesting a peaceful setting. This juxtaposition of the interior and the view outside perhaps symbolizes the contrasting aspects of a dancer's life—the glamour and the ordinary.This portrait not only showcases Korovin’s skill in capturing character and mood but also immortalizes the grace of Vera Trefilova, reflecting both her professional magnificence and her personal tranquility.


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Konstantin Alekseyevich Korovin was a leading Russian Impressionist painter.

Konstantin was born in Moscow to a merchant family officially registered as "peasants of Vladimir Gubernia". His father, Aleksey Mikhailovich Korovin, earned a university degree and was more interested in arts and music than in the family business established by Konstantin's grandfather.