Old Field Horse (1856)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This evocative painting, "Old Field Horse," crafted by the esteemed American artist George Caleb Bingham in 1856, captures a serene and somewhat poignant image of a solitary horse. The scene is set against a rustic backdrop that enhances the quiet dignity of the animal. The horse, with its pale coat reflecting subtle light, stands beside a dark, wooden structure, its posture exuding a sense of resigned fatigue and gentle calmness.Bingham's skillful use of light and shadow brings a rich texture to the composition, highlighting the horse's muscular build and the weather-worn surfaces around it. The painting is imbued with a sense of silent storytelling, drawing viewers into contemplation on the life and times of such a creature in the mid-19th century American landscape. The horse's gaze, directed away from the viewer, along with its placement in a confined space, might suggest themes of confinement and resignation, yet there remains an undeniable nobility in its stance."Old Field Horse" is a masterpiece that not only showcases Bingham's talent for realism and attention to detail but also reflects the cultural and historical ambiance of the era.


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George Caleb Bingham (March 20, 1811 – July 7, 1879) was an American artist, soldier and politician known in his lifetime as "the Missouri Artist". Initially a Whig, he was elected as a delegate to the Missouri legislature before the American Civil War where he fought against the extension of slavery westward.