On The Shore, Sunset (1835-1867)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"" by Clarkson Stanfield captures a serene moment along the coast at sunset. This atmospheric work, created between 1835 and 1867, elegantly melds soft pastel hues and subtle watercolor washes to depict the fleeting light of day's end. In the painting, the gentle hues of the sky, blending oranges and blues, suggest the peaceful passage from daylight to dusk.The landscape is lightly etched, with the sea stretching towards the horizon where a few ships can be seen basking in the glow of the setting sun. The shoreline is a mix of sandy stretches and wetlands, populated sparsely by figures that suggest distant wanderers enjoying the evening calm. On the right, looming structures possibly represent the maritime architecture, anchoring the painting in a specific locale, likely a testament to Stanfield's love for marine scenes.This ethereal scene is capable of drawing viewers into a contemplative state, inviting them to reflect on the beauty of nature's transitions and the tranquil moments that coastlines offer.


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Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (3 December 1793 – 18 May 1867) was a prominent English painter (often inaccurately credited as William Clarkson Stanfield) who was best known for his large-scale paintings of dramatic marine subjects and landscapes. He was the father of the painter George Clarkson Stanfield and the composer Francis Stanfield.