Sitzende Dame In Blauer Bluse (1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Sitzende Dame in Blauer Bluse" (1912) by Anton Faistauer is a compelling portrayal of a woman engrossed in a moment of quiet contemplation. The painting showcases Faistauer's mastery of expression and his vivid use of color, which brings the figure to life with both intensity and sensitivity.The subject of the painting, a seated woman, is dressed in a striking blue blouse with bold red and white accents at the sleeves and neckline, suggesting a sense of individuality and perhaps a touch of weariness. Her gaze is directed downwards, lost in thought, as her hand gracefully touches her forehead. The setting is suggestive of an intimate indoor environment, conveyed through deep and rich background tones and a hint of wooden furniture elements.At her side, an open jewel box spills its contents, which include various colored stones or pieces of jewelry, creating a contrast with her reflective mood. These elements add a layer of narrative to the scene, perhaps indicating a moment of decision or personal reflection about matters deeply personal to her.Anton Faistauer uses broad and somewhat textured brushstrokes that give the painting a dynamic texture, emphasizing the emotional depth of the subject.


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Anton Faistauer (14 February 1887, Sankt Martin bei Lofer – 13 February 1930, Vienna) was an Austrian Expressionist painter.