Chez moi (1887)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a serene moment captured in Harriet Backer’s 1887 painting, "Chez moi." This exquisite artwork transports us into the intimate setting of a personal living space, where a woman is seated at a piano, her attention absorbed by the music sheets before her. The scene is suffused with a warm, natural light filtering in through a window adorned with lace curtains, complementing the tranquil atmosphere of the room.Detailing this tranquil domestic scene, Backer masterfully utilizes soft, muted color tones to emphasize the tranquility of the indoor environment. The furniture, including a subtly ornate wooden chair and a strikingly decorated piano, speaks of a lived-in space that is cherished and well-maintained. On the walls, small artworks and a mirror add elements of personal taste and depth, while the lush green of a potted plant brings a touch of life and color to the composition.This artwork is not merely a visual treat; it’s a glimpse into the everyday life and leisure of the time, reflecting both the artist’s skill in capturing light and shadow as well as her ability to infuse a canvas with the quiet moments of life.


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Harriet Backer (21 January 1845 – 25 March 1932) was a Norwegian painter who achieved recognition in her own time and was a pioneer among female artists both in the Nordic countries and in Europe generally. She is best known for her detailed interior scenes, communicated with rich colors and the interplay of light and shadow.