La rue Gassendi, rue des Plantes et avenue du Maine (1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our exploration of "La rue Gassendi, rue des Plantes et avenue du Maine," a captivating 1917 watercolor by French artist Félix Brard. This painting offers a slice of Parisian life at the beginning of the 20th century, portraying the bustling intersection of three streets with a richly detailed urban landscape.In this lively scene, Brard captures the essence of Parisian streets shaded by verdant trees in full summer bloom. The foliage, rendered in varying shades of green, contrasts beautifully against the soft urban backdrop. The composition includes intricacies of daily life, featuring pedestrians going about their day, street vendors, and early automobiles that add a dynamic element to the static architecture.The artist’s skill in watercolor is evident in the way light and shadow play across the canvas, giving life and movement to the scene. Each figure is captured in mid-motion, from the group of men in discussion to the woman browsing a kiosk. These personal touches not only pull us into the moment but also serve to encapsulate the era.Félix Brard’s work here is an exquisite example of urban representation, inviting viewers to step back in time and experience the historic avenues of Paris through his eyes.


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Félix Brard is a French Impressionist & Modern artist. Félix Brard's work has been offered at auction multiple times.