Head of an old Dutch woman

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to feature the evocative artwork "Head of an old Dutch woman" by Petrus van der Velden, a notable figure in both Dutch and New Zealand art history. This detailed drawing captures the essence of its subject with a profound respect and gentle precision, characteristics for which van der Velden is so fondly recognized.In this portrait, the elderly woman's face is rendered with a soft yet resolute touch, reflecting both the texture of her experience and the underlying strength that characterizes her visage. Her eyes, slightly downcast, convey a sense of contemplation or perhaps distant memories. Van der Velden’s skillful use of shading brings out the intricate features of her face and the folds of her traditional Dutch bonnet and attire.The attire includes a neatly tied bonnet and a dark shawl draped across her shoulders, typical of the period's style and indicative of her cultural background. This rich depiction not only portrays a person but subtly narrates a story of life in her time and environment.


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Petrus van der Velden, who is also known as Paulus van der Velden, was a Dutch artist who spent much of his later career in New Zealand.

Petrus van der Velden was born in Rotterdam; his parents were Jacoba van Essel and Joannes van der Velden, a warehouse manager. Petrus began drawing lessons at around the age of 13 and subsequently apprenticed as a lithographer. In 1858 he founded a lithographic printing company in Rotterdam with business partner J. G. Zijderman.