Etude d’un tigre et d’un bison (19th century)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In this captivating artwork from the 19th century, French artist Antoine-Louis Barye showcases his profound skill in animal studies with "Etude d’un tigre et d’un bison." This sophisticated composition features two segments that brilliantly encapsulate the essence and demeanor of these majestic creatures.On the left, a vibrantly colored tiger is depicted with an incredible attention to detail, from the stripes on its body to its intense gaze and poised stance. The use of watercolor enhances the tiger's striking appearance against a softly rendered blue and sandy background, evoking a natural landscape where the tiger might roam.Adjacent to this, on the right side of the paper, is a meticulously sketched bison. Unlike the tiger, this bison is rendered in pencil, with grid lines that suggest planning for a sculptural or more detailed work. The bison's rugged fur and heavy build are captured with a dynamic sense of movement and texture, contrasting markedly with the gracefulness of the tiger.This study not only displays Barye’s versatility in using different mediums but also reflects his deep understanding of animal anatomy and behavior. "Etude d’un tigre et d’un bison" offers a window into Barye's artistic process, where observation and precision serve as the foundation of his creative expression.We invite you to delve deeper into the animal kingdom through the eyes of Barye, experiencing the fierce elegance and raw power that he has immortalized on paper.


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Antoine-Louis Barye (24 September 1795 – 25 June 1875) was a Romantic French sculptor most famous for his work as an animalier, a sculptor of animals. His son and student was the known sculptor Alfred Barye.