Jourdain (1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Immerse yourself in the detailed world of Ernst Stern with his captivating illustration titled "Jourdain," created in 1912. This piece is an exquisite example of Stern's work, showcasing a rich infusion of color and intricate design, which draws the viewer into the flamboyant era that inspires it.The subject, dressed in an opulent costume of the Baroque period, exudes a sense of nobility and flamboyance. He stands confidently, adorned in a stunning ensemble highlighted with shades of blue and orange that contrasts beautifully against the paper's subtle hue. His attire, elaborately decorated with patterns, lace, and ribbons, reflects the grandiose fashion typical of the high social standings in the 17th century. Accents such as a broad-brimmed hat adorned with a blue ribbon, a cape, and a fine walking stick enhance his distinguished appearance.This image not only captures the visual opulence of the time but also subtly comments on the societal structures and cultural preferences of the age. Stern's attention to detail and his ability to convey texture and fabric quality through his use of line and color make "Jourdain" a standout piece, inviting viewers to appreciate the historical depth and artistic intricacy of his work.This artwork is perfect for those who appreciate historical fashion, European art, and the detailed craftsmanship of costume design.


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Ernst Stern (1 April 1876 – 28 August 1954) was a Romanian-German scenic designer who, through his collaborations with most of the prominent German directors of the early 20th century, helped define the aesthetic of expressionism in both the theatre and the cinema.