Der Perückenmacher (1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Der Perückenmacher" (The Wig Maker) is a captivating illustration by the artist Ernst Stern, dating back to 1912. This artwork offers a delightful glimpse into the theatrical and somewhat whimsical aspects of historical professions. The central figure is depicted in an elaborate, traditional costume from the Baroque era, characterized by its voluminous and highly detailed design.The wig maker, adorned in a poofy white blouse paired with intricately tied knee-length breeches, stands poised and full of character. In his left hand, he gracefully holds a pair of long tongs, an essential tool of his trade used for curling wigs, while his right hand presents a grand, curly wig, likely one of his carefully crafted creations. His attire, complete with stockings and buckle shoes, enhances his appearance as both a craftsman and an artisan deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of his time.The use of subtle colors with bold black outlines emphasizes the illustration's vintage and playful nature, while also focusing on the precision required in the craft of wig making. The simplicity of the background ensures that all attention is drawn to the expressive posture and the detailed costume of the wig maker, highlighting Stern's ability to capture both the professional and the theatrical sides of this historical figure.


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Ernst Stern (1 April 1876 – 28 August 1954) was a Romanian-German scenic designer who, through his collaborations with most of the prominent German directors of the early 20th century, helped define the aesthetic of expressionism in both the theatre and the cinema.