Les Sidis, place des Ecoles, place du Marché et square de la mairie du 14ème arrondissement

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Discover a charming piece of art history with "Les Sidis, place des Ecoles, place du Marché et square de la mairie du 14ème arrondissement," masterfully painted by Félix Brard. This painting captures the vibrant everyday life in an early 20th-century Parisian neighborhood, portrayed with exquisite detail and a warm, inviting palette.In this delightful scene, the artist brings to life the bustling atmosphere of a local square surrounded by lush trees in the changing hues of early autumn. The foreground features a gardener meticulously sweeping fallen leaves, hinting at the change of seasons and the passage of time. Nearby, two young children watch in curiosity, representing innocence and the simple joys of childhood.To the right, a group of men engages in conversation near a tranquil park bench, possibly exchanging news or discussing daily affairs, lending a sense of community and interaction. Throughout the composition, Brard skillfully uses light and shadow to create depth and add life to the landscape, making the viewer feel as though they could step right into this serene tableau.This painting not only depicts a picturesque Parisian locale but also tells the story of its people and the rhythm of their daily lives.


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Félix Brard is a French Impressionist & Modern artist. Félix Brard's work has been offered at auction multiple times.