Deux études de tigres (19th century)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Currently featured in our collection is the remarkable 19th-century drawing "Deux études de tigres," a fascinating work by the esteemed French artist Antoine-Louis Barye. Known primarily for his profound skill in capturing the vitality of animals, Barye’s work offers a unique glimpse into the grace and terror embodied by the natural world.This drawing, executed with confident lines on a warmly toned paper, showcases two distinct studies of tigers. The upper segment of the artwork presents the head of a tiger, mid-roar, an expression capturing the ferocity and raw power of this majestic creature. Barye’s use of quick, decisive strokes adds a vivid sense of vitality and movement to this portrayal, inviting viewers to feel the intensity of the moment.Below, we see a full-body sketch of a tiger at rest, yet there is an alertness in its posture that suggests readiness to spring into action. The precision of the sketches is underscored by a grid overlay, which hints at Barye’s careful planning regarding proportion and perspective, essential aspects that bring such studies to life.This piece is not just an artistic expression but also an insightful scientific exploration, reflecting Barye’s dedication to understanding his subjects in depth. "Deux études de tigres" illustrates the duality of the tiger’s nature—both calm yet capable of fierce dynamism.


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Antoine-Louis Barye (24 September 1795 – 25 June 1875) was a Romantic French sculptor most famous for his work as an animalier, a sculptor of animals. His son and student was the known sculptor Alfred Barye.