Tigre de profil couché à gauche (19th century)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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On our website, immerse yourself in the evocative world of Antoine-Louis Barye, a celebrated French sculptor and artist known for his extraordinary skill in depicting animals. Our featured artwork this month is "Tigre de profil couché à gauche," a drawing that exemplifies Barye's keen understanding of animal anatomy and form.This simple yet profound sketch portrays a tiger lying down with its body in profile and facing to the left. The lines are minimalistic but deliberate, capturing the essence and motion even in stillness. Barye’s mastery in rendering the muscles and curves of the tiger with just a few swift strokes invites viewers to appreciate the natural elegance and power of this magnificent creature.The tan background of the paper enhances the subtle outline of the tiger, creating a warm and intimate viewing experience. This artwork, dating back to the 19th century, remains a testament to Barye’s ability to convey the spirit of wildlife through his art. Each line and curve not only depicts the physicality of the tiger but also imparts a sense of the tranquil yet potent life force within the animal.


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Antoine-Louis Barye (24 September 1795 – 25 June 1875) was a Romantic French sculptor most famous for his work as an animalier, a sculptor of animals. His son and student was the known sculptor Alfred Barye.