Gesloten hand

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the remarkably detailed study titled "Gesloten Hand" (Closed Hand) by the esteemed 18th-century Dutch artist Jacob de Wit. Known primarily for his masterful ceiling and wall paintings of religious and allegorical scenes, de Wit also excelled in the art of chiaroscuro drawing, as displayed in this exquisite piece.The artwork focuses on a singular, finely detailed human hand, the fingers gently curled into a loose fist. The subtle interplay of light and shadow captures the soft textures of the skin and the complex anatomical structure of the hand. De Wit's technique involves delicate yet confident strokes, predominantly in black and white, which emphasize the play of light, adding a tangible depth and realism to the hand."Gesloten Hand" is not merely a study of human anatomy; it is a testament to Jacob de Wit's ability to imbue a simple depiction with emotion and intimacy. This drawing, modest yet compelling, invites viewers to ponder the skill and sensibility of one of the finest artists of his time.


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Jacob de Wit (19 December 1695 – 12 November 1754) was a Dutch artist and interior decorator who painted many religious scenes.