Engelenkopje (cherub)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Engelenkopje", a tender and delicate drawing by Dutch artist Jacob de Wit, represents the innocent and sublime beauty often associated with cherubic figures in classical art. This evocative piece portrays a single cherub head in profile, capturing the ethereal and serene essence of angelic beings.Jacob de Wit, known for his adept skill in rendering figures with a soft and masterful touch, uses fine chalk lines to depict the cherub's youthful features and curly hair. The detail in the curls, combined with the subtle play of shadow and light on the cherub's face, brings a lifelike quality to this celestial subject.The artwork’s muted sepia tones lend it an antique feel, drawing viewers into a moment of quiet reflection. This piece not only showcases De Wit's refined technique but also his ability to evoke emotional resonance through the simplicity and purity of his subjects.


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Jacob de Wit (19 December 1695 – 12 November 1754) was a Dutch artist and interior decorator who painted many religious scenes.