Schafherde am Abend

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the captivating world painted by Eugen Jettel in "Schafherde am Abend" (Sheep herd in the evening). This exquisite painting captures a peaceful evening scene that invites the viewer into a moment of tranquil rural life. The artwork beautifully illustrates a flock of sheep tightly gathered, possibly for protection or under the guidance of the herder. The herder himself is depicted in a blue garment, providing a vibrant contrast to the earthy tones of the sheep and the subdued landscape.In the background, a serene water body reflects the evening sky, adding a sense of calm depth to the scene. The distant landscape features subtle hues that suggest the onset of dusk, further enhancing the painting's overall mood of quietude and simplicity.Jettel's skillful use of light, shadow, and color harmonizes to create a sense of end-of-day serenity. Every brushstroke conveys the soft, fluffy texture of the sheep's wool, and the rugged terrain they inhabit. This painting is a testament to Eugen Jettel's masterful ability to evoke emotion and atmosphere, making it a perfect piece for those who appreciate art that tells a story of timeless pastoral life.


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Richard Alfred Eugen Jettel (20 March 1845 – 27 August 1901) was an Austrian painter, producing mainly landscapes. He studied at the Vienna Academy and moved to Paris in 1873, before moving back to Vienna in 1897 and serving as a co-founder of the Vienna Secession. He was made a Knight of the Légion d'honneur in 1898.