Portrait Of Marie Elise Bernhard-Hodler (1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Portrait Of Marie Elise Bernhard-Hodler" by Swiss artist Ferdinand Hodler is an evocative and deeply personal piece from 1917. In this artwork, Hodler captures the essence of Marie Elise Bernhard, showcasing his talent for expressive portraiture.Marie Elise, depicted with a gaze both penetrating and serene, conveys an air of introspective calm. Her facial features are rendered with Hodler's characteristic blend of realism and stylistic abstraction, which gives her a certain timeless quality. The use of bold, direct brushstrokes, especially noticeable in the depiction of her eyes and lips, adds intensity to the portrait, drawing viewers into a silent dialogue with the subject.Adding a touch of decorative elegance, Marie Elise wears a headpiece adorned with what appear to be floral elements, interspersed with beads or pearls, enhancing her dignified appearance. The lace collar and the pendant at her neck contribute to the period's fashion style, providing context to her social and cultural background.Overall, Hodler's portrait not only reflects the physical likeness of Marie Elise but also captures a deeper psychological resonance, making it a compelling piece to both study and appreciate.


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Ferdinand Hodler (March 14, 1853 – May 19, 1918) was one of the best-known Swiss painters of the nineteenth century. His early works were portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings in a realistic style. Later, he adopted a personal form of symbolism which he called "parallelism".