Regatta (1921)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Description: Experience the vivacity and charming atmosphere of Leo Putz's "Regatta," a captivating painting from 1921 that transports viewers to an idyllic lakeside scene. This enchanting artwork depicts a gathering of elegantly dressed individuals under the shade of verdant trees. Their attire, ranging from formal dresses to casual summer hats, reflects the relaxed yet sophisticated vibe of a social summer event.At the forefront of the painting, a woman in a striking green dress, accessorized with a stylish hat, captures the viewers' attention with her direct gaze, serving as a focal point amidst the leisurely chaos. Beside her, playful interactions and leisurely stances suggest a scene of genteel leisure and enjoyment.The background, illuminated by sparkling hints of water, suggests a regatta in progress. Sailboats, seen through the gaps between the trees, add a sense of movement and excitement to the scene. The contrast between the calm, shaded foreground and the bright, dynamic background beautifully illustrates a day of socializing and sport by the water.Crafted with bold, impressionistic strokes, "Regatta" showcases Leo Putz's mastery of color and light, creating a lively yet soothing composition that celebrates the joys of summer gatherings.


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Leo Putz was a Tyrolean painter. His work encompasses Art Nouveau, Impressionism and the beginnings of Expressionism. Figures, nudes and landscapes are his predominant subjects.