La place du Marché, la rue Brézin et l’avenue du Maine (1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Step into a bygone era with Félix Brard’s evocative painting "La place du Marché, la rue Brézin et l’avenue du Maine," created in 1917. This stunning piece captures a bustling market scene set against a snowy Parisian backdrop.The painting is alive with activity, showcasing a crowd of people enveloped by a gentle snowfall. Men and women, some pushing carts, others carrying baskets, gather in the snow-clad street. The market scene is full of vivid interactions—a group of vendors wrapped in warm garments, children playing, and individuals in mid-conversation, adding a palpable buzz to the atmosphere.The flurry of snow contrasts beautifully with the details of the city’s architecture visible in the background. The influence of winter is unmistakably rendered on the bare branches of the trees lining the street and the muted colors reflecting the winter light. The intricate detailing, from the footprints in the snow to the dimly lit street lamps, draws viewers into this cold, yet warmly inviting, day in Paris over a century ago.Brard’s depiction is not just a view of a place; it is a window into a moment, capturing the essence of Parisian life during that period. This painting not only showcases Brard’s incredible ability to depict a snowy landscape but also his keen eye for human interactions and urban vibrancy.


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Félix Brard is a French Impressionist & Modern artist. Félix Brard's work has been offered at auction multiple times.