Place des Ecoles de la Mairie du XIVème arrondissement (1916)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Artist:Félix Brard's evocative watercolor, "Place des Ecoles de la Mairie du XIVème arrondissement," takes us on a visual journey to a quaint and bustling park scene in Paris, dating back to 1916. This painting captures a vivid snapshot of community life early in the 20th century, showcasing an array of park goers engaged in everyday activities.Amidst towering trees dressed in the golden hues of autumn leaves, the scene is alive with movement and color. Children play energetically in the foreground, adding a sense of youthful vitality. A small group looks on, while others engage in casual conversations or enjoy a peaceful rest on the park benches. The variety of attire, from formal hats and coats to more casual dresses, reflects the diverse social fabric of the time.Brard's skillful use of watercolors provides a soft, almost ethereal quality to the light, filtering through the leaves and casting gentle shadows across the figures and ground. This technique not only draws the viewer's eye across the composition but also highlights the transient beauty of daily life in the park.This painting invites us to ponder the simple joys of community interaction and the timeless nature of public gatherings in urban settings.


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Félix Brard is a French Impressionist & Modern artist. Félix Brard's work has been offered at auction multiple times.