Le square de la Mairie et l’école des garçons, Paris, XIVème arrondissement (1917)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Félix Brard's charming watercolor, "Le square de la Mairie et l’école des garçons, Paris, XIVème arrondissement," painted in 1917, captures the serene and bustling atmosphere of a small park square nestled within the 14th district of Paris. This delightful scene is a nostalgic reflection of early 20th century Parisian life, focusing on the daily interactions and leisure activities of its inhabitants.In the foreground, Brard intricately portrays a group of children engaging in various forms of play. Some are gathered around a sandbox, while others playfully engage with a man and a dog, highlighting the simplicity and joy found in everyday moments. The adults, sitting on benches, engage in conversation under the dappled sunlight, their relaxed postures suggesting a typical, tranquil day.The background splendidly showcases a lush array of greenery, with trees partially cloaking the view of the school building. This mix of architecture and nature gives depth to the painting, reflecting the traditional Parisian love for harmonious urban landscapes.Brard's use of watercolors lends a softness to the scene—his brushstrokes gently blending the natural with the urban, the playfulness of children with the quietude of adults. This painting not only serves as a historical snapshot but also evokes a timeless sense of community and the simple pleasures of public spaces.


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Félix Brard is a French Impressionist & Modern artist. Félix Brard's work has been offered at auction multiple times.