View of the Oslofjord (1839)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"View of the Oslofjord" by Thomas Fearnley, painted in 1839, captivates with its vivid portrayal of the serene Norwegian landscape. This picturesque oil on canvas presents a breathtaking overview of the Oslofjord, encircled by lush, undulating hills and dotted with the faint outlines of ships that gently navigate its sparkling waters. The foreground features detailed, dark vegetation, creating a rich contrast with the light, airy skies that promise a fading day. Fearnley's mastery in rendering the natural light and his sensitive touch with brushwork accentuates the tranquility and the expansive beauty of the scene. This work not only showcases Fearnley's skill as a Romantic landscape painter but also evokes a deep sense of admiration for Norway's natural splendors.


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Thomas Fearnley was a Norwegian romantic painter, a pupil of Johan Christian Dahl and a leading representative of Norwegian romantic nationalism in painting. His son Thomas Fearnley (1841–1927) founded the Fearnley dynasty of shipping magnates.