Vaart bij maanlicht (1882)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Jacob Maris’s captivating painting "Vaart bij maanlicht" presents a serene nocturnal scene by a Dutch canal. Painted in 1882, this evocative landscape is imbued with a poetic mood that typifies Maris’s approach to depicting natural settings.The painting portrays a misty, moonlit night where subtle moonlight illuminates the canal’s tranquil waters, seemingly inviting a moment of quiet reflection. The darkness of the night sky contrasts with the gentle gleam on the water’s surface, highlighting the calm and stillness of the scene. The composition is enhanced by the presence of shadowy trees lining the canal, their forms almost silhouetted against the subdued sky. The setting is further enriched with hints of a distant light piercing through the trees, possibly from cottage windows, suggesting human presence within this natural landscape.This work is an exemplary showcase of Maris’s talent for capturing the atmospheric effects of light and shade, and his ability to evoke emotion and mood through landscape. The painting utilizes a restrained color palette dominated by deep browns and muted golden hues, which underlines the tranquility and subdued beauty of the scene."Vaart bij maanlicht" invites viewers to immerse themselves in the peacefulness of a Dutch landscape at night, reflecting Maris’s mastery in creating landscapes that resonate with viewers on an emotive level.


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Jacob Henricus Maris (August 25, 1837 – August 7, 1899) was a Dutch painter, who with his brothers Willem and Matthijs belonged to what has come to be known as the Hague School of painters. He was considered to be the most important and influential Dutch landscape painter of the last quarter of the nineteenth century. His first teacher was painter J.A.B. Stroebel who taught him the art of painting from 1849 to 1852. Jacob Maris's most known works are the series of portraits of the royal House of Orange, he worked on these with his brother Matthijs Maris. He is also known for landscapes such as Ship on the Scheveningen beach.