A Hare and a Leg of Lamb (1742)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Jean-Baptiste Oudry's painting, "A Hare and a Leg of Lamb," exposes the naturalistic artistry and meticulous detail that defined the 18th-century still life genre. Painted in 1742, the artwork depicts two elements affixed to a neutral background, enhancing their visual impact. The soft textures, realistic colors, and dramatic interplay of light and shadow exemplify Oudry's mastery.The painting features an eviscerated hare and a leg of lamb, both hanging limply by their hind limbs. The hare’s fur transitions beautifully from warm browns to soft grays, reflecting the artist's attention to the subtleties of its coat and surroundings. Adjacent hangs the leg of lamb, its exposed flesh rendered with a palpable tenderness that evokes the texture and moisture of the meat.The composition as a whole serves as a reflection on the themes of nature and mortality but is also indicative of the period's culinary practices and the importance of game in aristocratic dining. Oudry, who was renowned for his animal paintings, excels in presenting a scene that, while initially straightforward, invites viewers to ponder more profound narratives about life, death, and sustenance.


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Jean-Baptiste Oudry was a French Rococo painter, engraver, and tapestry designer. He is particularly well known for his naturalistic pictures of animals and his hunt pieces depicting game.