Tree study (circa 1893-98)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Tree Study" by Petrus van der Velden, painted between 1893 and 1898, offers a profound glimpse into the artist's engagement with the natural world. This emotive depiction of an isolated tree, set against an atmospheric background that hints at a twilight or dusk, exemplifies van der Velden's command of mood and his preference for dynamic, stirring compositions.At first glance, the tree strikes with its gnarled, twisting branches that reach skyward, bare and stark. These bare branches tell a story of survival against harsh elements, each twist and turn marking an event in the tree’s enduring life. The foliage, sparse and clinging, is painted with vivid dark tones, which contrast dramatically with the muted, almost ethereal sky in the backdrop.The painting's somber palette—rich earth tones and subtle greyish hues—combines to evoke an almost melancholy feeling. This subdued color scheme subtly directs attention to the textures of the bark and the rugged landscape that supports the tree. Amidst these somber colors, the horizon hints at a faint glow, perhaps the last vestiges of a setting sun, providing a soft, glowing contrast to the overall darkness of the scene.Petrus van der Velden’s work is renowned for its emotional depth and naturalistic detail that often borders on the sublime. "Tree Study" is a fine reflection of his artistic philosophy, inviting observers to reflect on nature's beauty and resilience, as well as the solitude and contemplation it inspires.


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Petrus van der Velden, who is also known as Paulus van der Velden, was a Dutch artist who spent much of his later career in New Zealand.

Petrus van der Velden was born in Rotterdam; his parents were Jacoba van Essel and Joannes van der Velden, a warehouse manager. Petrus began drawing lessons at around the age of 13 and subsequently apprenticed as a lithographer. In 1858 he founded a lithographic printing company in Rotterdam with business partner J. G. Zijderman.