Carnedd Llewelyn and Carnedd David, Carnarvonshire, Seen Across the River Ogwen

Technique: Giclée quality print
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John Warwick Smith's enchanting watercolor, titled "Carnedd Llewelyn and Carnedd Dafydd, Carnarvonshire, Seen Across the River Ogwen," beautifully captures the serene and majestic landscape of North Wales. In this captivating scene, viewers are transported to a pastoral valley nestled between the imposing peaks of Carnedd Llewelyn and Carnedd Dafydd, two of the highest mountains in the Snowdonia region.Against an expansive sky filled with soft, billowy clouds, the rugged outlines of the mountains loom as silent sentinels in the background. The gentle, meandering course of the River Ogwen adds a tranquil element to the scene, reflecting the light blues of the sky and contrasting the lush greens of the landscape. A group of cattle leisurely graze in the foreground, grounding the composition with an idyllic touch and hinting at the peaceful coexistence of nature and local life.Rendered with subtle gradations of color and soft brushwork, Smith’s painting invites reflection on the timeless beauty of the Welsh countryside, appealing to viewers who appreciate both the grand scale of nature and the delicate balance of pastoral life.


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John "Warwick" Smith was a British watercolour landscape painter and illustrator.

Smith was born at Irthington, near Carlisle, Cumberland, the son of a gardener to the Gilpin family, and educated at St. Bees. The fortunate social connection allowed him to study art under the animal painter Sawrey Gilpin.