A la Renaissance, Sarah Bernhardt dans Phèdre (1892 - 1893)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"A la Renaissance, Sarah Bernhardt dans Phèdre" by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec captures a poignant moment in theatrical history. Created between 1892 and 1893, this lithograph showcases the legendary actress Sarah Bernhardt in one of her most revered roles as Phèdre, the tragic figure from Greek mythology. The artwork’s evocative use of line and shade draws the viewer into a deeply emotional scene, emphasizing the intense expression and dramatic posture of Bernhardt.Bernhardt, known for her magnetic stage presence, is depicted with a look of despair and longing that is central to the character of Phèdre, who is caught in a tumultuous plot of forbidden love and familial betrayal. Beside her, another character looks on with an expression that complements Bernhardt's own despair, enhancing the dramatic tension of the scene. Toulouse-Lautrec's minimalistic yet expressive strokes highlight the emotional turmoil experienced by the characters, making this piece a compelling depiction of classical theatre.This lithograph not only serves as a captivating visual representation but also as a historical document, reflecting the vibrant cultural scene of the Parisian Belle Époque. Through "A la Renaissance, Sarah Bernhardt dans Phèdre," Toulouse-Lautrec immortalizes a moment on stage, allowing it to resonate far beyond its original performance.


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Comte Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa (24 November 1864 – 9 September 1901), known as Toulouse Lautrec was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman, caricaturist, and illustrator whose immersion in the colourful and theatrical life of Paris in the late 19th century allowed him to produce a collection of enticing, elegant, and provocative images of the sometimes decadent affairs of those times.