La Charité chez les derviches à Scutari

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"La Charité chez les derviches à Scutari" is a captivating painting by Rudolf Ernst that illustrates a scene of benevolence and communal gathering inside a dervish lodge in Scutari, now known as Üsküdar in Istanbul. The artist masterfully captures a moment of charity and cultural richness in this vibrant depiction.At the heart of this painting, we see a central figure, presumably a dervish, in traditional attire distributing food to young children who are seated eagerly around a tray of edibles. The children, depicted with attentive expressions, are dressed in colorful garments that add a vivid contrast against the more subdued background.The setting of the scene is an architectural marvel, characterized by ornate Islamic tiles, intricate murals, and hanging lamps that illuminate the space with a soft glow. An elder man, also in traditional clothing, sits serenely to the side, observing the act of charity, reinforcing the theme of community and spiritual generosity prevalent in dervish culture.This painting not only showcases Ernst’s skill in portraying detailed cultural attire and interiors but also reflects the importance of charity in dervish communities. It invites viewers to appreciate the depth of communal relationships and the cultural practices that sustain them.


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Rudolf Ernst was an Austro-French painter, printmaker and ceramics painter who is best known for his orientalist motifs. He exhibited in Paris under the name "Rodolphe Ernst".

He was the son of the architect Leopold Ernst and, encouraged by his father, began studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna at the age of fifteen. He spent some time in Rome, copying the old masters, and continued his lessons in Vienna with August Eisenmenger and Anselm Feuerbach.