View on the Aletsch Glacier III

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Ernst Schiess' painting, "View on the Aletsch Glacier III," captures the awe-inspiring and tranquil essence of one of the Alps' most majestic glaciers. The artist beautifully translates the grandeur of this natural landscape onto canvas, presenting a range of gentle and dynamic brushstrokes that skillfully portray the vast, undulating expanse of the glacier.The impressive Aletsch Glacier, nestled between towering mountain peaks, is depicted with a series of soft blues and whites, suggesting the slippery ice surfaces and the crisp, cold air. The peaks themselves, highlighted against a muted gold and blue sky, add a stark, powerful contrast to the frosty glacier below. Schiess’ use of light in this painting not only enhances the texture of the snow and ice but also evokes the unique atmosphere of high altitude serenity.This artistic rendering invites the viewer to appreciate the quiet beauty and the immense scale of the Aletsch Glacier, providing a momentary escape to the high Alps.


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Ernst Schiess (14 September 1840 - 9 September 1915) was a German engineer and businessman. He was a long-time member of the Düsseldorf City Council, President of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and founder of the German Association of Machinists (VDW).