The adoration of the shepherds (1660 - 1679)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"The Adoration of the Shepherds" by Jan Steen, painted between 1660 and 1679, is a captivating depiction of a timeless biblical scene. Set within a humble stable, this oil on canvas portrays the moment when shepherds come to pay homage to the newborn Christ. Steen's composition vividly brings to life the awe and reverence of the shepherds as they gather around the Holy Family.At the center of the painting, the Virgin Mary, clothed in rich blue and white garments, gently tends to baby Jesus swaddled in white. Her serene expression and the tender manner in which she looks at her child evoke a strong sense of maternal love and devotion. Surrounding her are the shepherds and townspeople, each rendered with individuality and emotional depth, their faces reflecting a range of reactions from wonder to devout gratitude.Steen includes domestic animals—a donkey and an ox—adding to the realism of the setting and symbolizing the humble birth of Christ. The background offers a glimpse of the landscape beyond the stable, hinting at the larger world into which Jesus has entered.This masterpiece is not just a religious icon; it is a narrative woven together with emotion, spirituality, and everyday reality, showcasing Jan Steen's skill in portraying complex human interactions and his adept use of color and light to achieve depth and warmth.


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Jan Havickszoon Steen was a Dutch genre painter of the 17th century (also known as the Dutch Golden Age). His works are known for their psychological insight, sense of humour and abundance of colour.