Fence on the River (1903-1904)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

Jan Stanislawski's captivating landscape, "Fence on the River," painted between 1903 and 1904, offers viewers a glimpse into a serene and rustic setting. This picturesque artwork, rich in color and emotion, encapsulates the beauty of a riverside scene through the artist's expressive brushwork.The composition centers around a wooden fence, fragmented and quaint, which guides the viewer's gaze across a tranquil blue river. To the left, a prominently featured white directional sign stands atop a post, adding a human touch to the natural landscape, perhaps suggesting routes or distances in this serene locale. The river itself is rendered in vivid blues and aquas, contrasting strikingly with the rich earth tones of the foreground and the subtle pastels of the sky.On the right, a tall tree stretches upwards, its trunk and foliage painted with quick, colorful strokes that convey both the texture and the movement of leaves in the breeze. The background features rolling hills and sparse clusters of trees, depicted in muted colors that suggest distance and create an atmospheric perspective."Fence on the River" beautifully exemplifies Stanislawski's skill in using color and form to evoke mood and place.


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Jan Stanisławski was a Polish modernist painter, art educator, and founder and member of various innovative art groups and literary societies. In 1906 he became a full professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków.