Rosa Damascena Aurora (1817 - 1824)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We invite you to explore the exquisite botanical illustration "Rosa Damascena Aurora" by the renowned artist Pierre Joseph Redouté, created between 1817 and 1824. This artwork exemplifies Redouté’s mastery in capturing the delicate nuances of floral subjects, making it a cherished piece in the collection.In "Rosa Damascena Aurora," Redouté illustrates a branch of the Damask rose, portraying its elegant bloom and tender buds in a state of natural grace. The rose, shown in a soft palette of pink hues, intricately displays the velvety texture of its petals, which gently unfurl around a vivid yellow center. Below the blooms, a series of green leaves and sharp thorns juxtapose the softness of the petals, emphasizing the true-to-life duality of beauty and defense found in nature.Redouté's attention to detail not only highlights the aesthetic appeal of the Damask rose but also serves a scientific purpose, documenting the botanical intricacies of this species. His skillful blend of art and science makes this painting not just a visual delight but also an important historical record of botanical art.


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Pierre-Joseph Redouté, was a painter and botanist from Belgium, known for his watercolours of roses, lilies and other flowers at Malmaison, many of which were published as large, color stipple engravings. He was nicknamed "the Raphael of flowers" and has been called the greatest botanical illustrator of all time.